Dr.JadunathCollege,Rasalpur is one of the premier institutions of higher education in the coastal district of Balasore. The college was set up in June 1978 with a mission to provide the opportunity of higher education to the rural youth. Named as Rasalpur Mahavidylaya,the college thrived in the premises of Rasalpur High School before it was shifted to its present premises in 1984.Subsequently the college was christened after its chief donor Late Dr.Jadunath Panda who was a great patron of art,culture and literature and came to be known as Dr.JadunathCollege.
In the academic session 1979-80 the college secured concurrence and affliation from Utkal University for opening of Intermediate Arts classes with a sanctioned strength of 128 seats with English, M.I.L., History, Pol.Science, Economics, Sanskrit, Odia and Logic. With the increasing number of students pouring in, the sanctioned strength in +2 Arts has increased from 128 to 256 seats in 1986-87. +2 Science and Commerce classes were opened in 1988-89 and 2011-12 respectively. The institution was elevatedto its degree level in 1986-87 with courses for B.A. classes (28 seats) with English, M.I.L., History, Pol. Science, Economics, Sanskrit, Odia and Philosophy. It was affliated to Utkal University ith concurrence from Govt. of Odisha. +3 Science stream was opened in 1992-93 with a sanctioned strength of 64 seats. In the same year the college secured permission and affliation to open Honours classes in History, Pol.Science, and Odia with 16 seats.At present the college is affliated to Fakir Mohan University and offering honours teaching in English, History, Pol.Science, Economics, Sanskrit, Odia, Philosophy, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics' Botany , Zoology and Computer Application and offered 24 honours seat in History, Political Science , Odia, Sanskrit, Philosophy, Economics, 16 seats in English , 32 seats in Botany and Zoology , 16 seats in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Computer Applications, 64 seats in Commerce. The college has been eligible to receive grants and salary under direct payment scheme since 1984.
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