1. The name of the College Union is Dr. Jadunath College Union,Rasalpur. 2. The Union shall remain as the sole tribune of the students opinion inside the college. 3. Objectives : Its objectives are : a) To organize discussion on General, Cultural, Academic, National and Interntional issue. b) To invite eminent persons to address at different functions of the union. c) To represent the views of the students in all matters relating to academic progress. 4. MEMBERSHIP : Every student appearing on the rolls of the college is a member of union. (Degree stage) 5. There shall be an executive committee of the college union consisting of the following office bearers. a) Principal (Ex-officio) b) President c) Vice-President d) General Secretary e) Asst. General Secretary f) All class Representatives of Degree streams g) Women Representatives 6. FUNCTION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE I. a) It prepares the budget of the union for the session and gets it approved by the Principal. b) It draws up programmers of the union for the session. II. It convenes and holds meetings of the union: a) An ordinary meeting of the executive committee may be convened by secretary in consultation with the President and the Advisors. b) Notice for the ordinary meeting, its date, time, place and agenda are sent to the members at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. c) An urgent meeting of the committee can be convened at any time either by the President of the college union or by the Principal. d) Meeting of the Executive Committee are presided over by the President or in his absence by the Vice-President. e) 50% of the members of the Executive Committee constitute the quorum. f) The minutes of the Executive Committee are maintained by the Secretary and a copy of it is communicate to the Principal through the Advisers within 24 hours of every meeting. g) No meeting of Executive Committee is valid unless Adviser is present in such meetings and puts his signature on the proceedings of the meeting. h) All notice for executive body meeting of any nature and the resolution made there of must be counter-signed by the Principal. 7. ADVISER: a) There shall be an Adviser of the union appointed by the Principal from among the members of the teaching staff.The Principal may appoint one or more associate Advisers to assist the Adviser in discharging the activities of the union. b) The Adviser remains present in all the meeting of the Union.He assists the Union by useful suggestion ,if necessary, for the proper conduct of the meeting. c) The Adviser may at any time during a meeting or on the request of the President explain the scope and effect of a motion or amendment. d) The Adviser does not preside over the meeting unless President requests him to do so in writing. e) Associate Advisers will remain present in all meetings and assist the adviser at times. f) All Vice-Presidents and Advisers must return Notice and Resolution book at the end of the session. 8. PRESIDENT: Any student of the degree stream from final yr. is eligible to take part in election to the Presidentship of the Union. The President presides over all the ordinary meeting of the Union and assumes all his powers and duties as that of the President. SECRETARY: Any student of degree stream can contest to the office of the Secretary, College Union. The Secretary gives notice for holding meetings of the Union and records their minutes. He prepares an agenda for debate in consultation with president and the Adviser. He keeps the accounts of the Union.He produces all vouchers to the Adviser for his approval and acceptance of the Principal. 9. ORDINARY MEETING OF THE UNION : a) All ordinary meeting are presided over by the President. b) At least three days before the meeting, the notice is served to the members of the Union. c) Ordinary meeting is convened once a fort night if necessary. 10. PROCEDURE IN THE MEETING : a) In the absence of the President & Vice President, the members present will elect a person from among themselves to preside over the meeting. The Chairperson assumes all the rights and discharges all the duties of the President during a meeting. b) At the beginning of each ordinary meeting Secretary reads out the minutes of the previous meeting and gets it approved by the President. c) Amendment to any minutes/motion (if any) is submitted in writing to the Secretary at the beginning of the meeting. No amendment can be made that negates the original motion. d) Every speech should be relevant to the subject of a debate of the amendment proposed. No personal reflection is made in course of the meeting. e) Paint of order: The Adviser/ Associate Adviser or any Member of Executive Committee may call the President's attention to a paint of order even while a member is speaking. 11. VOTES ON DEBATE : a) At the conclusion of the debate the mover of the original motion has to exercise his right to reply. The amendment is put to vote for finalization. b) All questions in the debate shall be determined by a majority of vote of members present. c) If the votes are equally divided, the President shall cast his vote. 12. EMERGENCY MEETING OF THE UNION : a) An Emergency Meeting of the Union may be convened at any time either by the Principal or the President. b) If the President of the Union desires, he should serve a written requisition addressed to the Principal and signed by not less than one third members of the Union. c) The Principal shall preside over any Emergency Meeting of the Union. 13. DISCIPLINE : The President may call any member to order. If a member disobeys or disregards him, he may request the Adviser or the Associate Advisers to withdraw the member from the meeting and may report his name to the Principal. If necessary, the President can dissolve the meeting. In any case not provided for in these rules, the Adviser/the Associate Adviser shall give a ruling as to the procedure on the Principles already laid down. His rulings shall be final. 14. SUPERVISION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : If the Principal is satisfied that the Executive Committee has been acting or likely to act in a manner prejudicial to the interest of the college and of students or that it has failed to discharge its function and duties properly, he may by order supersede the said Executive Committee & make arrangement to carry out the activities of the Union in a manner decided by him. 15. MEMBERS OF THE TEACHING STAFF : All meetings of the Unio are opened to all members of the teaching staff. If they so desire, can take part in the proceeding. They are not entitled to vote. 16. COLLEGE UNION FUND : a) All expenditure of the Union are met of a fund raised through subscription from degree students of the college. b) The Executive Committee in consultation with the Adviser/Associative Adviser prepare the annual budget of the Union and submit the same to the Principal for his approval. c) The Adviser maintains the accounts and he is to receive all money from the Principal in connection with the Union. d) All student members of the collge Union pay a consolidated fee of Rs.25 per annum to be collected by the college office at the time of admission in each academic session. 17. ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS : a) Election to the different offices of the Executive Committee is done once a year. Election will be held on such date as the Government may decide. If the Principal apprehends any abnormal situation in the college, he may stop the election and report it to the Government. b) The date of notification, nomination, withdraw from election and oath taking will be announced by the Govt. c) A member can seek election to one office only. d) The validity of nomination, after proper scrutiny by the Principal or by his nominee(s) or by a committee, constituted by him for the purpose, will be declared. The valid list of candidates contesting for various posts is notified on the day of nomination. e) All bonafied students can vote in the college Union election. f) In case of equal number of votes between two or more candidates the result shall be determined by lot. g) Under no circumstance recounting of votes is allowed. h) Students are asked to produce their Identity Cards at the time of casting their votes. i) Members of the Union and students shall clear their college due up to prior month on which election is being conducted and get their Identity Cards renewed. j) The students contesting for different posts cannot put hoarding. College Authority shall affix hoarding at conspicuous places indicating the name of the candidates/posts for which they are contesting. k) Under graduate students between the ages 17 & 22 may contest election. l) The candidates should in no event have any academic arrears in the year of contesting in the election. m) The candidate should have attained the minimum percentage of attendance as prescribed by the University or 75% attendance whichever is higher. n) The candidate shall have one opportunity to contest for the post of office bearer and two opportunities to contest for the, post of executive member. o) The candidates should not have a previous criminal record i.e. she/he should not have been tried and/or convicted of any criminal offence or misdemeanor. The candidate shall also not have been subject to any disciplinary action. p) Election related expenditure and financial accountability : The maximum permitted expenditure per candidate shall be Rs. 5,000 . q) Each candidate shall, within two weeks of the declaration of the result, submit complete and certified (to be certified by the candidate) accounts to the college authorities. The college shall publish such accounts within two days of submission of accounts through a suitable medium so that any member of the student body may freely examine the same. r) The election of the candidate will be nullified in the event of any non-compliance or in the event of any excessive expenditure. s) With the view to prevent the inflow of funds from political parties into the student election process, the candidates are specially barred from utilizing funds from any other sources than voluntary contributions from the student body. t) If any contesting candidate indulges in violent activities to intimidate the student to vote for him/her , he/she should be disqualified and his/her candidature shall stand cancelled. u) The decision of the Principal is final in the college Union election. 18. VACANCIES AND TENURE OF OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE COLLEGE UNION : i. The office bearers shall hold office for the entire academic session unless, if- a) They cease to be the students of the college. b) They voluntarily resign in writing addressed to the Principal and the same is accepted by the Principal. c) They are removed by a motion passed by a three fourth majority of the members of the Union present and voting expressing lack of confidence in them and for that an emergency meeting is called for. ii. Office bearers who appear at a University Examination are deemed to have vacated their office on the date University application forms are filled up by him/her. iii. After the election is over & results are published the Principal calls a general meeting of the Union, where in the newly elected office bearers shall take oaths and assume charges. All the members of the staff and students are invited to attened the ceremony. 19. AMENDMENT OF THE PROVISION OF THE BYE-LAW : Any amendment of the Bye-law is made by the staff council. 20. INTERPRETATION OF THE BYE-LAW : The Principal is the final authority in all matters relating to the Union and may at his discretion alter, avoid,supplement, amend or abrogate any of these rules.
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