1. There is a Cultural Association of Higher Secondary students called as Dr. Jadunath College Cultural Association,Rasalpur,Balasore. 2. The Cultural Association remains as the sole tribute for cultural activities of the students of higher secondary wings of the college. 3. OBJECTIVES : Its objectives are : a) To organize discussion and debate pertaining to the cultural and academic interest. b) To invite eminent persons to address in the meeting of the Cultural Association. 4. MEMBERSHIP : Every bonafied student of the higher secondary classes of Dr. Jadunath College is a member of the Cultural Association. 5. There shall be an Executiive Committee of the Cultural Association consisting of the following members: a) Principal (Ex-offico President) b) Secretary (Eleted) c) Assistant Secretary (Elected) d) Lecture-in-charge of Cultural Association 6. Function of the Executive Committee a) It prepares the budget of the Cultural Association. b) It draws up Programmes of the Cultural Association. c) It represents the view of its members relating to them only. 7. No meeting of the Executive Committee is valid unless the Lecture in charge of the Cultural Association is present and address the proceedings of the meeting. In absence of the Principal the Lect. in charge presides over the meeting. 8. 50% of members of the committee shall constitute the quorum. 9. The minutes of the Executive Committee is maintained by the Secretary and decisions of the meeting are communicated to the Principal within 24 hours. 10. Notices of ordinary meeting with date, time, place and agenda are issued to the members at least before 3 days by the Secretary. Meeting is convened with the knowledge of the Lecture in charge of Cultural Association and the Advisory Board. 11. The election procedure of the Cultural Association is notified by the Principal after declaration of the election by Govt. A member can seek election to one office only. Govt. rules in matters relating to election for Cultural Association will be strictly followed as reflected in the Union Election procedure. If it is found that votes recorded are equal in between two or more candidates, the result there of shall be determined by lot. Under no circumstances the recounting of votes is allowed. The Principal is the final authority in all matters relating to the election and his decision is final. 12. TENURE OF OFFICE BEARERS : Normally, office bearers who appear at the council of H.S. Examination are deemed to have vacated their office on the date he/she fills his/her application form to appear at the said Examination. 13. Office bearers who do not want to continue may resign in writing to the Principal and they cease to hold office from the date their resignation is accepted. 14. FUND : a) All expenditures are met out from a Fund raised through subscription from H.S. student of the college. The amount of subscription is decided by the Principal. b) The Lecture in charge keeps accounts of the association and the expenditure is subject to the Audit by the Principal. 15. If in the opinion of the Principal the Cultural Association is working against the interest of the college, he may in consultation with the Advisory Board and the Lecture in charge of the Cultural Association dissolve the Association and make alternative arrangement for organizing its activities. 16. The Principal shall be the final authority in all matters relating to the Cultural Association. 17. If the Principal is satisfied that congenial situation is not there or abnormal situation prevails, he may postpone the election of the Cultural Association. However, for the postponement of the election, the Principal my consult the teaching staff entrusted with the duty of performing the activities of the Cultural Association.
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