The following scholarships and financial aids are provided to poor and meritorious students. 1. National Scholarship : Meritorious students of +2 and +3 degree having an annual income not more than Rs. 2,50,000 of their parents are eligible to apply for National Scholarship. 2. National Loan Scholarship : Meritious students of +2 and +3 degree securing not less than 50% of marks in the qualifying examinations and having the income of their parent not exceeding Rs. 25,000 per annum are eligible to apply for the loan,provided he is selected. 3. Post-Matric Scholarship : Each SC/ST student should apply to TRW Dept.through the Principal in a prescribed form supplied by the office and renew as per notified dates. 4. Hindi Scholarship : Students of +2 and +3 degree classes securing good marks in Hindi are eligible to apply for availing the Hindi Scholarship. Their application will be scrutinized by a panel at the Central Govt. level. 5. Sanskrit Scholarship : Students of +2 1st yr. Arts having Sanskrit as elective subject are eligible to get the scholarship. 6. Merit Scholarship : a) Junior College Merit Scholarship : It is meant for meritorious +2 students securing not less than 60% marks in the Annual H.S.C. Examination of the same year conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha. b) Junior College merit-cum-means Scholarship : Students securing 50% or above marks in H.S.C. Examination and having an annual income of parents not exceeding Rs. 24,000/- are eligible to avail the Scholarship. c) Senior College Merit Scholarship : It is meant for meritorious degree students on the basis of marks secured at the Annual +2 Arts/Science/Commerce Examination conducted by the C.H.S.E.,Odisha. d) Senior College merit-cum-means Scholarship : Students securing 50%b or above marks in CHSE Examination and Hving an annual income of parents not exceeding Rs. 24,000/- are eligible to avail the Scholarship. 7. Freedom Fighterms Scholarship : It is awarded to the children of freedom fighters. 8. Stipend to orthopaedically Handicapped Students : It is awarded to blind,lame and such other handicapped students whose age falls within 17 to 30 years. They must have secured at least 40% marks in the H.S.C. Examination. They are to produce a Medical Certificate as a proof of their disability. 9. Scholarship of Teacher's Sons : It is meant for children of Primary/High School/Secondary School teachers securing at least 60% of marks at the last qualifying examination. 10. Son/daughter of Bidi workers are eligible for scholarship decided by the labour and welfare department. 11. Samaj relief fund gives more scholarship to the students and they notify it in their paper.
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